4 Tips For Spring Cleaning Your Workspace

A clean & organized workspace.

Image from Alizee Marchand

We don’t even care if it’s spring right now, but we at She’s A Given that it’s time for spring cleaning!

Most of us take this seriously with our homes, but we forget about our workspace! Sometimes, your home is your workspace, so we are taking all settings into account.

We’ve got a few key tips and tricks to get your workspace into a more productive and functional space!

And let’s believe Oprah when she says, “Our internal space has to be given the same level of respect and diligent attention as the external space.”

So, spring cleaning for the mind, too. But let’s go back to the physical.

Here are the official She’s A Given tips:



This may seem like a no-brainer, but often, we forget how quickly dust bunnies can settle behind monitors and cords or what kind of debris can be found in the bottom of your drawers.

Start by removing any unnecessary paperwork, and unneeded sticky notes, and toss any old notebooks and pens.

To help keep dust, debris, and other items out of your keyboards, we recommend a desktop vacuum. It’s rechargeable and small enough to stick in a desk drawer. 

Also, never forget about the keybord.


Your desk should only contain items that are important and necessary for your day-to-day. The best way to do this is to keep only your most important items within arm’s reach.

What are those items, you ask? Your computer, phone, notepad, and pens, to start. If you have desk drawers, declutter those. We know how easy it is to tuck things away and forget to move them later.

Also, get yourself drawer organizers and pen holders. Trust us: they will help you stay organized. 

Bonus Tip: Get a monitor riser for ergonomic and organizational reasons.

Get Organized 

As mentioned above, getting organized is key. But there are many elements to getting (and staying) organized. Make sure to get yourself items to maintain your fresh tidiness.

Ask yourself what are some things that you would like moving forward.

Get them!

Personalize and Smile

Simplified and clean workspaces are always the best. Now, make that space really feel like yours with a few personal touches to bring a smile to your face.

Incorporate a family photo, a favorite quote, or even a plant!

Personalization can come in many forms, from buying fancier notebooks and pens just because you enjoy them. The key is to make the space feel like you.

The more you love it, the more you’ll want to keep it organized. Your style is cool and matters,.


Rearranging your desk may seem like a simple task, but it can be one of the most powerful ways to make your workspace more efficient.

Moving your desk away from the wall can create more space. Also, if you’re working from home, try moving your desk away from the window to reduce sun glare.

If you work in a large office, consider swapping your desk with a coworker’s to get a fresh perspective! 

Clean Away!

With a clean organized workspace, you’re likely to get more done!


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