6 Ways To Improve Employee Productivity

Whether you are working directly or remotely with your team, we know the success of your business correlates directly to the productivity of your employees.

Productivity is the means and the ends. She’s A Given provides a guide on how to increase productivity.

And we need it: Only about 23% of the workforce is engaged at work. But if they are engaged, they are 44% less likely to feel stressed.

If you get distracted by one thing only, 4.8% could be wasted. Imagine what more distractions can do. Let’s get you on track to fulfill your goals.

Let’s call it your productivity era.

Provide Support & Great Autonomy

Building a strong, trusting foundation with your team is important. This allows your team the freedom to accomplish its work with fewer check-ins.

Have a system in place to hold your team accountable and provide clear and defined deadlines.


Delegate Responsibilities

In startups or new businesses, it is common for executives to want to take on the majority of the business tasks and needs.

However, that will lead to burnout. If you have capable and resourceful employees, you need to utilize them to their full ability.

Employees who feel empowered in their positions perform better. Being well-versed in the skills of your employees and utilizing them will only create more productivity for your business and your employees. 

Effective Communication

Proper communication channels in business are important. Outline your preferred ways to be contacted: in person, via email, over the phone, etc.

When communication expectations are clear from the beginning, it alleviates confusion later.

Communicating with your employees about their work and encouraging casual conversations are both important in bringing out the best from your employees. 

Set Defined Goals 

Make your employees aware of the goals and objectives that you want to see them hit.

By providing insight into what you want achieved, your employees will then work with direction and dedication to achieve a common goal.

Encourage & Create A Great Work Environment

Studies show that well-designed office spaces improve employee well-being and productivity. This is true whether it’s in person or virtual.

Encourage them to remove anything they find distracting and create a space to maximize their mindset and productivity. 

Honest Feedback

It may seem like a no-brainer, but feedback is so important for employees. Always be transparent with your team.

If something is working, tell them. If something isn’t working, tell them that, too. Your team cannot continue to grow and be productive if they feel unsure of their performance. 

BONUS: What are the 4 D's of productivity?

The 4 D's of productivity are a set of principles designed to help individuals and organizations maximize their productivity. They are: 


This refers to getting started on a task quickly and efficiently. It means having a plan, setting specific goals, and taking action.


This is about recognizing when it is important to delegate tasks to other people and offload work. This can help reduce the burden on the individual or organization and free up resources for more important tasks.


This is about being mindful of the tasks you are taking on and avoiding distractions. It is about delaying low-priority tasks until more pressing matters have been addressed.


This is about being selective about the tasks you take on and not taking on more than you can handle.

It is important to be able to say no and to identify tasks that are not important and can be eliminated.  

By following the 4 D's of productivity, individuals and organizations can ensure they are working efficiently and effectively.

This can help to ensure that tasks are completed in a timely manner and the highest priority tasks are always addressed first.


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