7 Easy Tasks to Delegate for Increased productivity

You’ve come to the right place. You have a crazy week ahead of you and need help, and you only have so many hours in the day to perform all of your duties.

If you are leading a team, are a solopreneur, or are home taking care of everything and every one, this blog is for you. In the fast-paced world of work, juggling numerous responsibilities can often hinder productivity and personal growth.

The key to overcoming this challenge lies in effective delegation. By outsourcing certain tasks to others, you can better streamline your workflow, focus on high-priority tasks, and ultimately achieve more productivity.

How to delegate tasks effectively is a great question, and we’ve produced a specific blog on the topic.

Here, we’ll figure out what tasks could be the easiest ones to delegate. We will explore this by giving you seven easy tasks to delegate for productivity. 

As a busy CEO or business owner, it’s all about productivity. Knowing how to delegate is such a powerful tool to use for your personal success and business growth.

Delegating some of your workload means passing off tasks that are time-consuming yet essential to your business.

The goal is to delegate these tasks to a trusted, educated, and well-organized individual who can act as an extension of you while also playing on your strengths. This is what it means to delegate and to delegate well.


Delegate Effectively

Effectively delegating is a crucial skill for leaders and individuals looking to optimize productivity and achieve goals efficiently.

This involves clearly defining tasks, selecting the right individuals to perform them, and providing them with clear instructions and resources.

You will empower those people to make decisions and set realistic deadlines with the right communication and feedback culture. You should also lead by example and be open to delegation yourself. This will foster a collaborative environment and empower others.

This is how to delegate tasks effectively in a nutshell.

Virtual Assistants

Virtual assistants are perfect to delegate to. They are highly skilled and educated individuals specializing in those easy tasks you want to outsource.

Moreover, they can be available when you need them to be, without the limitation of providing office space or full employment. Finding a Virtual Assistant who is strong in the areas you might be weak is truly the art of delegating.

And it’s just where you are weak. It’s areas you just don’t have the time for. The traditional office setup is evolving, and with Tech advancements, the concept of having a virtual assistant is becoming increasingly appealing.


Now, let’s take a look at 7 easy tasks to delegate to significantly contribute to a more efficient work routine. You might already have a list of tasks you can think of right away that you’d like to hand off, or you might be questioning what feels comfortable to assign.

To help you out, we’ve selected a few tasks that we think are easy to delegate. This depends on each person’s unique circumstances, but from our experience, these are good ones to get off your responsibility list.

And here’s the list of seven of the easiest tasks to delegate for a productive week ahead.

Scheduling and calendar management

Goal: Efficient Time Management

One of the most common stresses I’ve heard CEOs complain about is handling scheduling and calendar management.

This is one of the best and easiest tasks to delegate, especially if you’re constantly overbooking yourself or feeling depleted and overwhelmed. The right VA will take this on for you and manage your schedule with ease.

Managing a hectic schedule and coordinating appointments can be a significant drain on your time and energy.

Delegating appointment scheduling to a capable VA not only ensures a well-organized calendar but also frees you up for more critical tasks.


Well, you will receive the obvious: An organized calendar. You will have a well-maintained schedule, allowing you to plan your day accordingly.

We guarantee you to reduce stress because you are letting go of the responsibility of scheduling appointments. This can have a positive effect on your mental health.

No more going back and forth with someone to find the right time. The right time will be fixed for you.

Email inbox management and correspondence

Goal: Streamline Your Inbox

This is one of the most time-consuming tasks that you can initially delegate to an assistant. Especially if you struggle with inbox organization and management.

Scrolling through, opening, and responding to emails can be a pain for busy business owners and sucks up a lot of your time. Let your assistant develop and manage a system that works and frees up your time and brain space.

You’ll be amazed at how much more productive your week can be if you start out with a clean inbox.

Emails can quickly become overwhelming, eating into valuable time that could be better spent on core responsibilities. This not only clears your plate but also ensures that critical communications are addressed promptly.


Time Efficiency: Free up a substantial amount of your time by having someone else handle the incoming emails.

You will improve response time by delegating routine responses, allowing for quicker replies to emails that require your full attention.

Finally, focused priorities are another main benefit. Your virtual assistant can categorize emails, making sure that you only deal with the most crucial matters.

Travel arrangements and reservations

Goal: Stress-free traveling

Another set of tasks to delegate are your travel arrangements and hotel reservations. These are easy tasks to delegate, especially when you’re busy packing and preparing for the trip itself.

Delegating these arrangements relieves stress and saves you time searching for airfare, hotels, and more. All you have to do is show up at the right time, board your flight, and arrive at your destination.

Managing travel arrangements and reservations can be time-consuming and complex. Delegating these tasks to a VA streamlines the process.

Everything will be more efficient this way, and you can focus on the reason you are traveling and not how you will travel.


Time optimization is key here. Researching and coordinating travel plans takes a lot of effort, especially when you also want to find the most cost-effective routes and deals.

When you don’t have to deal with this, you free up valuable time for your work commitments. When your virtual assistant takes care of your bookings, you can experience your travels stress-free and you can enjoy increased productivity.

Because when you let go of making those travel arrangements yourself, your focus can stay put on crucial tasks.

Your VA will know your personal preferences and will ensure your accommodations, flights, and other arrangements will meet or exceed your expectations. VAs are pros and have a proactive problem-solving mindset.

So, never worry about unexpected changes or challenges during your travels. Your VA will take care of that.

Research and Lead Generation

Goal: New Opportunities

With so much else on your plate day-to-day, it’s hard to make time for research and lead generation. These are another set of responsibilities you can delegate to your virtual assistant.

When you hire a VA who is vetted and specifically has experience in these fields, your business has the opportunity to flourish in ways you might never thought were possible.

Whether it’s delegating market research, investigating new leads, or even creating lead magnets, your VA should be able to deliver the results you’re looking for.

Conducting thorough research and generating leads are vital components of business growth. Delegating these tasks to a pro empowers you to capitalize on opportunities while optimizing your time for strategic decision-making and core responsibilities.


Your data will be accurate and reliable because VAs are research pros. This is essential for making informed decisions for outreach.

The tasks for lead generation and research are highly time-consuming, so you will no longer have to perform those.

Hence, the strategic focus will be on your plate again. You can keep your eyes on business development, innovation, and other tasks aimed at long-term goals and success.

Your VA can do a competitive analysis, which includes market trends and industry developments. They can expand your reach and have qualified leads ready for you. Sounds like a win for you.

Social media management

Goal: Increase your digital presence

Virtual assistants are perfect for your social media management because they are pros. Not many people are better at using social media than Virtual Assistants. After all, their entire business is virtual.

But even if you prefer to manage your own social media, there are responsibilities you can delegate to your assistant, like content creation or ideas, hashtag research, copywriting, engagement, or even graphic design.

Maintaining a social media presence that is exciting and engaging is needed in the digital era. Delegating social media management tasks to a VA could be very effective.

Consistent posting, interaction, and content creation become the responsibility of your assistant, allowing you to focus your creative energies elsewhere.


What will you get when a VA takes over your socials? Brand consistency for you. Your VA will understand your branding and messaging perfectly.

Your social media channels will maintain a complete online presence with regular and strategically crafted social media posts.

Another main benefit is audience interactions. When delegating this, you ensure timely responses to comments and messages, which cultivates and increases engagement.

This is vital for your online audience and your business.

Blog writing

Goal: Compelling Content

You are reading this blog, which means that this content interests you. You could also profit from compelling content, and it’s another duty that is easily delegated to the right person.

You will save time and energy for sure. If writing is an area you typically struggle in, finding a VA who has experience in this field is such a tremendous help.

Plus, if you hire a VA who is familiar with best SEO practices, your website has a greater chance of being ranked higher, giving you more exposure, attention, and increased performance.

Writing engaging and informative blog posts is crucial for maintaining a strong online presence. Delegating blog writing tasks to a skilled assistant allows for consistent content creation while freeing you to focus on core responsibilities.


One: Your content is consistent. Your blogs will be created in a personalized tone. Your VA can research, write, and edit content on a regular basis.

Delegating blogs is very time efficient as it takes hours from start to finish. Like with social media management, blog management enhances audience engagement and attracts and retains readers interested in your products or services.

Outsourcing blogging will also bring diverse perspectives and ideas to your blog, which is highly beneficial. Finally, your SEO will go pro.

Anything you might need extra support with for the upcoming week

Whether it’s personal errands you need help with or a special project or launch you’re working on in your business, a VA is your secret weapon.

They’ll always be in your corner and one of your most supportive assets in your business. Hiring a VA through an agency like She’s A Given provides you with peace of mind, and a trusting relationship where you, as a CEO, can finally find someone to lean on.

Hopefully this short list of the seven easiest tasks to delegate for a productive week will help you to form a better idea of what your days might start to look like if you can unload some of the bothersome tasks on your ‘to-do’ list.

But, if you’re still feeling unsure about some of the other services you might be able to delegate, here’s another article that might help you get started.  

Still wondering what else a VA can do for you or where to find one? Get in touch with us or send me a message on social media. You can find She’s a Given on Facebook and Instagram here. 

Delegating Responsibilities and Setting Clear Expectations

Delegating tasks doesn’t just involve assigning someone else the responsibility of a job; it also involves trusting that they will complete the task to the best of their ability.

It’s important to focus on the end result of the task, rather than on the process of getting there. When delegating, make sure to provide clear expectations and goals so that your team has a clear understanding of what success looks like.

This will help to keep everyone motivated and focused on the end result. Additionally, be sure to provide feedback on the results of the delegated tasks in order to show your team that their efforts are appreciated. By focusing on the results, rather than the process, you can ensure that your team is productive and efficient. 


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