How To Effectively Leverage Your Team

Two women working together in an office

Do you want to decrease costs by 78%? Hire a virtual executive assistant.

This is how you can truly leverage your team. We want you to succeed, and here is our list of how to improve your team’s productivity and efficiency. Let’s start from the beginning.

Running a business is full of major and minor decisions each day. Add in managing a personal life, and you’ll probably find yourself running into decision fatigue very quickly.

The constant pressure to succeed can be overwhelming, but fear not! Relief is around the corner. It’s called delegating.

We’ll even tell you about the 70 Percent Rule.

She’s A Given can help you with identifying the right tasks to delegate. And we’ll have a college-educated, highly-skilled pro ready to elevate your success.


Are you an entrepreneur and business owner? We assume you are working around the clock and might even take care of a family simultaneously.

We get it! It may seem normal to work 60+ hours a week while carrying a large workload by yourself. However, it is not normal or beneficial in the long run.

The sooner you can achieve work/life balance, the less likely you’ll get burnt out.

Once you start handing over tasks to employees and leverage your team, you’ll start to see significant improvement in your mental health.

Enter She’s A Given. We’ll get you paired with your new sidekick in no time.

Delegate, delegate, delegate

Take a look at your current employees and evaluate their strengths. Who can you delegate to? If you have any holes in your staffing structure and you are looking for a specific skill set, ask if this task can be performed on a phone or on a computer.

That task can be handled by a virtual executive assistant. A virtual assistant is a great way to leverage your team.

Hiring VAs frees up your time to invest in scaling your business and increasing your output. 

You think you are faster than explaining tasks to others? Deciding to finally delegate tasks will save you time.

However, onboarding someone to support these tasks can feel daunting. Trust is an important factor in delegation, and it goes both ways.

To quickly and effectively delegate tasks, take note of what you are doing daily and weekly. Consider what takes a lot of your time, use a recording program to explain the task, and give reference points that employees can refer to when they have questions.

It’s important to be open if your employee has more to ask. When you begin delegating, you’ll find your work and life easier to manage, your stress reduced, and your mental health improved.  

Leveraging your team will result in more success. Think of the following key components.

Find a core employee

This will be the person who can handle the tasks that make your company stand out. Delegate the tasks that you are most reluctant to hand over.

Finding a core employee will put you at ease because this is someone you can trust. This person can handle the tasks for strategic planning and daily necessities. 

Utilize the 70% Rule

This guideline suggests that if someone else is able to do a task 70% as well as you could, then you should delegate.

This will help you determine what things you can give up and the things that need to stay in your hands. 

Don’t delegate your problem areas without clear expectations

Of course, it’s best to utilize an employee whose skill set complements these tasks but also one whose talents propel you towards achieving your goals with ease.

Don’t delegate until you can tell that person your preferred outcome and what your goals are. Provide the big picture, and then you can work on the problem together.

Effectively leveraging your team to hit your goals means utilizing the skill sets within your current team, adding necessary components and/or employees, and utilizing those combined strengths to achieve more efficiently.

Let go of perfection and turn your team into the well-oiled machine it can be. 

  • To leverage a team means to maximize the potential of the team by utilizing the individual skills and strengths of each team member. This can be done by delegating tasks and responsibilities to team members who have the skills and knowledge to complete them, and to provide coaching and guidance to help them further develop and improve their skills.

  • As a leader, you can leverage your strengths by sharing your experiences and knowledge with your team, and by utilizing your skills to help them succeed. Additionally, you can create a safe and supportive environment that encourages collaboration and feedback, which will help your team grow and develop. You can also set clear expectations and goals to help guide team members and ensure everyone is working towards the same goal.


Need more help with delegation? Read our blog post What Should I Delegate To A Virtual Assistant?


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