Virtual Assistants and Long Term Business Stability 

Female virtual assistant working on the computer

One of the beauties of hiring a virtual assistant is that their work is based on your needs—full or part-time. However, with that flexibility can come uncertainty. Will this relationship last? 

The answer to that is absolute! Let’s go over how to create longevity with your virtual assistant. 

First off, we have learned since the pandemic that remote work is here to stay. This means the longevity of your virtual assistant is here to stay as well. 93% of virtual assistants consider their job a permanent career path. Once you find the perfect virtual assistant, you can decide what you want to delegate. As your business grows and changes, so can your virtual assistant’s tasks. 


Creating Longevity with your Virtual Assistant:

Know Your Why

Ask yourself why you want to work with a virtual assistant. The point of asking yourself this question is to understand how to create value. The best and most long-lasting relationships between a virtual assistant and an executive occur when you allow your VA to understand your needs. If you just want a “task manager” (someone to clock their time), complete the project you give them, and move on to the next thing, then you need to make that clear from the beginning. However, the most successful and productive business relationships come from allowing your VA to understand your why. Knowing your why allows your VA to predict your needs as well as dig into understanding how to fully support you.

Set Goals

What outcome do you want from this partnership? It’s important to create some joint objectives with your virtual assistant. Think about where you see your business going and how your VA can help you get there. Include your VA in your five-year business plan. Think about what tasks you can begin delegating so your time is freed up to focus on scaling your business (if that’s a goal for you). The goals you set will become key performance indicators, which help you and your assistant stay on track, as well as see a clear picture for the future. Plus, it helps your VA feel a part of the dream you’re building and some ownership of the process. Everybody wins!

Use The Same System 

Incorporate the same system you want your VA to follow into your daily routine: Things like if you like meetings scheduled in a certain way, documents color-coded in a way, and so on. The more in sync you and your VA are in a system for emails, meetings, and daily management, the more your assistant will understand and provide outcomes that make everyone successful. 

Build trust with your virtual assistant and be clear about your goals. This will allow your virtual assistant to know how to support you. Combining all of these together will lead you to longevity and success. 

 Want to find the right virtual assistant for your business? Book a Discovery Call Today!

  • A virtual assistant is a professional service provider who provides administrative support services from a remote location.

  • The benefits of having a virtual assistant include cost savings, increased productivity, scalability, and increased flexibility.

  • A virtual assistant can help a business achieve long-term stability by providing reliable and high-quality services that help the business remain competitive and cost-effective. Additionally, a virtual assistant can help a business maintain a strong customer base, manage customer relationships, and help the business stay organized.


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