5 Podcasts for Entrepreneurs

Podcast microphone

Entrepreneurs are always looking to learn and grow their businesses. Podcasts have become one of the most effective avenues of both consuming and sharing knowledge. Entrepreneurs at any level now have access to endless invaluable information. We could have made a list of hundreds of podcasts, but we didn’t want to overwhelm you (you’re busy enough as it is!), so we’ve compiled a list of the top podcasts for entrepreneurs at any level. 


This Week In Startups 

This podcast covers startups, tech, media, and all of the newest businesses and technology. The podcast’s hosting duo also interviews successful business founders and investors from various industries. Following this podcast keeps you up to date on new startups as well as gaining insight and tips to keep your own startup moving forward.

How I Built This 

In this fun podcast, you can listen to Guy Raz dig deep and ask his guests the hard questions; such as discussing failures, setbacks and reaching success. When you listen to this podcast, you’ll get valuable information about all sorts of different, inspiring paths to success. 

Mixergy- Startup Stories  

Mixergy is a good choice for entrepreneurs who want to learn from other successful business owners. Mixergy’s creator was a successful business owner himself to went to the tops of success to loosing sight of what was important and burnout. Through his experience in growing a successful business to starting over. Listening to Mixergy, you’ll learn about business success and failures from a mix of experienced mentors. Mixergy interviews founders that will give you a lesson but also a solution to issues that can arise and cripple your business. 

How To Start A Startup           

This podcast is considered a “one-stop shop.” You’ll hear mini-lectures that were given at Stanford University. This podcast is like an Ivy-league course for those who want to learn how to “start a startup” (without going to an Ivy).  

The Tim Ferriss Show 

Tim Ferris is a best-selling author, most known for his book, The 4-Hour Workweek. His podcast focuses on Ferriss’ conversations with industry leaders and always gives listeners a ton of takeaways. This podcast also includes guest appearances from well-known celebrities. 

Podcasts are perfect for the busy entrepreneur who wants the flexibility to learn and listen anytime or from anywhere. If you haven’t already listened to a podcast this week, add a few to your queue to see what you can learn to help grow your business—and learn from many seasoned entrepreneurs along the way!

  • Entrepreneurs should listen to podcasts because they can gain access to valuable advice from experienced business leaders and entrepreneurs. Through podcasts, entrepreneurs can learn from the successes and failures of others, get tips on how to navigate challenging situations, and gain a better understanding of the business landscape. Additionally, podcasts provide an opportunity to stay up to date with the latest trends and technological advances that could benefit their business.

  • Yes, business owners do listen to podcasts. Research has shown that 70-72% of owners of businesses with 100 to 500 employees regularly tune into podcasts. Podcasts can be a highly effective marketing tool for companies in industries where customers have a high value.


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