Best Ways To Collaborate With A Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistant working on her laptop

 The concept of a virtual assistant can still be intimidating to some entrepreneurs. We get it! Everyone knows the traditional business model like the back of their hand: staff coming into an office together and seeing each other in person every day. However, utilizing a virtual assistant will open you up to a new dynamic. No need to be afraid! 


Let’s start by outlining some key tasks or roles you would delegate to an assistant in an office setting:

·      Calendar Management 

·      Email Management 

·      Scheduling & Meeting Requests 

·      Document Preparation

·      Note Taking 

·      Office Orders: Supplies, Catering 

Now here is why you don’t need to be worried about utilizing a remote assistant: All of these tasks can be done virtually. You don’t need to see your assistant’s face every day at a desk in your office for these tasks to be accomplished. And handled expertly. 

All of the above tasks can be done virtually: 

·      Calendar Management: You provide your VA the same permissions as you would an in-office assistant, and they can manage your calendar from anywhere. 

·      Email Management: Same permissions granted as a calendar. Your assistant can even monitor your inbox on the go. 

·      Scheduling & Meeting Requests: Most people send emails with requests. Simply add your VA to the email exchange and let them handle all the logistics. 

·      Document Preparation & Note Taking: Internet platforms make this simplified. Google Docs allows you to share documents and see as inputs and refinements are made in real time. You can see what’s being added each day or week. 

·      Office Orders—Supplies, Catering: Most of the time, orders are placed online. Your VA can create a document or spreadsheet for needed office supplies, and your team can have access to it. Your VA can then pull up the list and order your supplies without even being in the office. Catering for events is the same. Your VA can send out a link or even menu images in an email to your team, collect their orders, and have food delivered for your meeting. 

Technology has taken us a long way over the years. The business model is already changing. Don’t be afraid to add a virtual assistant to your team and start gaining more time in your day. 
Learn more about how an admin can further support you. Check out our recent blog, “Admin Support Can Be The Secret Weapon Tech Companies Are Looking For

  • The best way to communicate with a virtual assistant is to use instant communication platforms such as Google Hangouts, Skype, Slack, etc. This ensures that communication is quick and efficient, allowing for timely project management.

  • Communication is an essential part of any successful collaboration, and this is especially true when working with a virtual assistant. It is important to communicate clearly and effectively with a virtual assistant in order to establish trust, set expectations, and ensure that tasks are completed correctly and on time. Good communication also allows for feedback and open dialogue, which can help to improve the quality of the work being completed.


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