5 Ways A Virtual Assistant Helps Data Analytics In Your Business  

Executive assistant analyzing data in an office

Data analytics are an important part of any company. It allows you to look at various aspects of your business—from customer service, marketing, and socials to operations. Collecting valuable data from these business pillars allows you to make your business more effective. 

However, you may need to break down and decipher the data you pull. Let’s dig into how a virtual assistant can help you make strong business decisions based on the data you gather. 


What Types of Data Analytics Can Virtual Assistants Handle? 

Data Entry

This is an important component of data analytics. Virtual assistants can handle creating or supplementing systems.

Data Processing 

Virtual assistants can take raw data and convert it into reports that can be understood by employees at all levels, managers, and you as the business owner. This can be done through various software your business may already have. 

Data Reporting 

Detailing insights into analytics, whether written or visual, produces clear and simplified data to process later. 

Data Management and Storage 

Every business will have a large amount of data to process and store. Your VA will make sure that all compiled data has been processed and stored correctly and efficiently and is easily accessible when data is needed. If you don’t already have a data storage your VA can also assist in researching and suggesting software solutions for you. 

SMS and Social Media Analytics

Depending on the various forms of communication your business uses, your VA can analyze text, website, and social analytics to assess what is working for your business and what isn’t. They can also create new strategies to keep your business moving forward. 

Finding the right virtual assistant to help you start breaking down and assessing your business's data will build and maintain clear communication between your customers/clients, employees, and your business as a whole. Start saving time and begin onboarding a VA to assist in your analytics. 


Learn how She’s a Given can help find you the perfect Virtual Assistant. Book a Discovery Call today!

  • A virtual assistant can help with data entry, processing, reporting, management, and storage, as well as analysis of SMS and social media activity. They can also create strategies to keep your business moving forward in terms of data analytics.

  • Virtual assistants can help to make data analysis more effective by providing clear and simplified data reports, organizing data for efficient storage and accessibility, and creating strategies to improve data analysis from SMS and social media activity.


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