5 Ways To Choose the Right Virtual Assistant Company For Your Business

Remote team meeting on a video call

Did you know that reading testimonials is helpful because 68% of people form an opinion after reading 1-6 reviews.

At She’s A Given, we pride ourselves with stellar ones. Let’s start with that right out of the gate. Reviews should be part of your strategy to find the best virtual assistant agency for you.

But, let’s go back further and start from the beginning. Once you decide that it’s time to hire a virtual assistant, you may be asking yourself, “How do I choose the right virtual assistant company for my business?”

There are multiple ways to hire virtual assistants, and we suggest working through a virtual assistant company like She’s A Given.

Utilizing a virtual assistant company when you’re in the market for a VA has many benefits so let’s get you the best one.


Expectations are Clearly Communicated

The art of delegation is important. Know your workload and what tasks can be delegated. Have a clear picture of what you would like your virtual assistant to be able to take care of.

If you are looking for assistance with calendar management, bookkeeping, or social media, be clear on the tasks you need help with so you can be appropriately matched.

Don’t worry. Agencies like She’s A Given can also help you establish your business framework. Your needs will then be met by a virtual executive assistant who will help you achieve your expectations and goals.  

Quality over Quantity 

Virtual assistant companies hire VAs that have already been vetted and extensively screened. This will save you a lot of time.

Some virtual assistant companies will also offer VAs in other countries, while companies like She’s a Given provide VAs based in the U.S. She’s A Given also hires VAs with college and corporate work experience.

We find that having virtual assistants within the same time zone can be a huge benefit, as well as having your VA knowledgeable of current events near you.

To summarize, our virtual executive assistants are US-based, college-educated and highly skilled professionals.

Additionally, the quality of care you receive through utilizing a virtual assistant company allows your VA to find proper “backup” should they have a family emergency, go on vacation, or need a sick day.

Typically, VAs can work from anywhere and are flexible on their timelines for managing their work.

However, VAs still have personal lives, and time off can/will happen.

Virtual assistant companies like She’s A Given can help your VA provide coverage of their tasks while they are off. This means your business will always be a priority. 

Everything is set up so your business can thrive.

Communication is Key

Communication is key in any business, and it is extremely important to over-communicate with the virtual assistant company you choose, as well as your personal VA.

Just as you’ve made your expectations clear for your VA’s job role, you’ll want to understand what to expect from your VA company.

Be sure to ask how you can get in contact with them, discuss messaging and meeting options, and more.

There are many apps that make communication easy: Skype, Zoom, Slack, WhatsApp, etc. Determine what you will use.

You may not get to monitor a virtual assistant physically, but clear communication can be made simple. 

You Get a Set of Versatile Skills 

A virtual assistant company should be versatile in the skills it offers. This will not only benefit you by helping you find a VA that has an expert skill set, but also a company that provides you additional services in the future.

Think of it as finding a VA company that can grow with you. This way, as your business grows and or changes, you’ll already be affiliated with a VA company that can assist you in managing your business’s new growth and needs, without having to go look for support anywhere else. 

Testimonials Provide Credibility

As we have mentioned above, testimonials can be one of the best ways to decide on a virtual assistant company. Do your research, read the testimonials, and see which company feels like a good fit for you. 

When selecting a virtual assistant company, think of it as choosing a friend—someone who will lessen the stress and burdens on you while also helping to support and bring you business solutions.

The best virtual assistant companies know they have exceptionable, ambitious and motivated assistants to exceed your expectations. 

She’s A  Given is happy to discuss your business needs and how we might be able to help. Click Here to schedule a FREE 30-minute Discovery Call.


  • When choosing a virtual assistant company, consider factors such as experience, cost, customer service, and ability to meet your individual needs. Research the company's services and reviews to ensure they are the right fit for you.

  • Deciding to outsource to a virtual assistant requires evaluating your needs and budget. Consider how a virtual assistant can help you increase productivity and free up your time. Research virtual assistant companies to find the one that best suits your needs.


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