How To Repurpose The “To-Do” List

Virtual assistant with their calendar open

The famous “to-do” list is something that often helps guide our week and keeps us on track. If you’re anything like us, it feels really good to cross off tasks. Taking a pen and literally crossing something off gives us a big sense of accomplishment! However, sometimes, our to-do lists get out of hand and end up creating more stress than productivity. Let’s go over some ways to repurpose your to-do lists:

Be Realistic 

We don’t want to start the day off by writing down 30+ tasks that we know we won’t be able to accomplish. Don’t add all of your tasks from the night before plus everything else you think you need to get done the same day. Start with your top three focus areas of the day and go from there. 



Steven Covey said, “The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule but to schedule your priorities.” When creating your to-do list, think about what is actually important. What critical item on your list will have a ripple effect if it isn’t completed? That is a priority that goes on your to-do list. It is a “need” versus a  “want” to accomplish task. While your schedule tracks and organizes your day, don’t allow your free moments to be bogged down with a massive to-do list. 

Give Yourself Time

Start each morning with the high-priority items we mentioned above. These are the tasks that will crash and burn if you do not get them done. Blocking out time for these items first thing, even before checking emails from the night before, allows you to knock these tasks out while you are fresh and determined.

We cover more tips on scheduling your day for productivity in our post, “4 Key Elements For Successful Calendar Management.” Give yourself time and opportunities to improve. As entrepreneurs, we all want to be the best and on top of everything all the time, but we also need to know our boundaries. 

Reverse The “To-Do” List 

Instead of making a list of all the things you need to be doing, start making a list of what you don’t need to do. When you do this exercise, you’ll create a list of tasks to delegate. We would LOVE to help you with that list! Stop wasting your valuable time on tasks that don’t actually need to be completed by you. 

How many nights have you had to ask yourself if you were going to let an incomplete to-do list allow you to feel unaccomplished for the day or stay late to get them all done? Don’t get bogged down by too many tasks on your plate. Delegate the things that don’t actually need to be done by you and allow yourself growth! 


Need help with delegation? Book a Discovery Call today!

  • Some practical ways to repurpose a to-do list are to break down tasks into smaller, achievable goals, prioritize tasks according to importance, and assign due dates for tasks. Additionally, you can use a to-do list to help you plan out steps for larger, long-term projects.

  • Some tips for creating an effective to-do list are to break down tasks into smaller, achievable goals, prioritize tasks according to importance, and assign due dates for tasks. Additionally, you should make sure to review your to-do list daily and update it as needed.


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