4 Types of Tech Every Small Business Needs

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Over the past few decades, human lives have been hugely impacted by the development of technology. From how we shop to how we get food on the table, we now have simple technology at our fingertips to make our lives more efficient.

We all use tech tools for our everyday personal needs, like calendar management, GPS, and music streaming services. But if you're a business owner, you should also be embracing tech tools to help grow your company.


Whether you run a car auto shop or work as a freelance wedding planner, any business owner can benefit from the following tools:

Customer Relationship Management

No business would survive without putting customer experience at the top of their daily to-do list. A CRM tool helps you manage your business’s relationships with both potential leads and existing customers. You can use a CRM to improve your company's growth, increase lead conversion, and decrease marketing costs. Still unclear about what CRM is? Read more about the specifics of CRM software here

Payment Processing System

A payment processor is critical for any business because it’s how you get paid! Not only that, but also having a specific payment tool allows for easy purchases for you customers, which will keep frustration at a minimum and client experience at a high. Mix in multiple options and you just increased the ease of purchase even more! Customers like options for easy purchases or they will move on to another company quickly.

Project Management Platform - This tool is essential for when your company starts to grow. Customers will increase, the number of products sold will skyrocket, and you will need somewhere to hold all of that data. Keeping business projects in one place ensures the timely delivery of goods and services, which is critical to keeping your client satisfaction high. Managing multiple projects gets tricky, especially when many people are involved and your staff works remotely. Still unclear how a PM tool can help? Read more about the specifics, and pick the best one for your business, here.

Social Media

Instagram isn’t just for sharing pictures and Facebook isn’t just for the memories! Social media has blossomed into one of the best marketing tools in 2022. Of course, the type of business you have will dictate which social media platform(s) you market your business on, however, the options are limitless: Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok, and more. Our recommendation? Start with—and master—one or two before adding others. You don’t want to spread yourself too thin, and social media management is a full-time job on its own. 

Business Website

This one should be a no brainer but some companies do try to get away with not having a website, especially startups. Websites allow for a general location for your ideal clients to discover your goods and services. They also show how professional and passionate you and your team are about the brand. By optimizing your website for search engines, you can also generate new leads for your business.

As the CEO of your company, you most likely go through most days wearing multiple hats. Make your life, and the life of your team members, easier by utilizing technology to pull some of the weight for you.

Still have questions? We ’d be happy to give you our recommendations. Contact us today for a free consultation!

  • Small businesses should use technology that is tailored to their specific needs. This could include customer relationship management (CRM) software, accounting software, and e-commerce solutions.

  • Technology can help small businesses increase efficiency, streamline operations, and better connect with their customers. Technology can also help small businesses to save money, increase their sales, and make better decisions.


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