When To Hire A Virtual Executive Assistant: The Best & Worst Times

Happy virtual assistant on a video call

As you transition from growing to scaling your business, a Virtual Assistant can make a dramatic impact (in a GREAT way of course!) on hitting your goals. When you need to start spending more time on the growth of your company and less time on tedious day-to-day tasks, having a virtual assistant by your side is a tremendous asset for you as a business owner. But you might not know when it’s the right—or wrong—time to hire a VA.


the best time to hire a Virtual Executive assistant

Your business is making a profit

This means that despite your business expenses, your monthly business revenue is consistently increasing. In other words, you make more money than you spend on your business.

You are ready to delegate tasks

No matter what stage of business you are in, every company will have time-consuming day-to-day operations that have to get done, no matter what. We encourage you to pass the tasks that don’t necessarily need you to be present for to a virtual assistant, so you can put your energy and presence into the things that do need you there.

Your business is “thriving” but things are also getting neglected

This can include self care, marketing efforts, mapping out big projects, organized business planning, and financials. Your business is growing because you have consistent clients and projects, but it’s not thriving and, unfortunately, neither are you.

You have a clear vision and strategy

But going back to those tedious day-to-day tasks, you just need to pull away from being in the weeds to spend more time in the role of CEO, leader, and visionary of your company. You have bigger fish to fry then inputting data into an excel sheet!

You are under-staffed

If you can never seem to get ahead of projects or are just skimming by, you are short-staffed and need virtual talent to relieve the burden on the team members you already have (this applies if you have team members already or you’re a one person show). You may want to transition your virtual talent to a full-time position, and She’s A Given can give you that option.

Although Virtual Assistants can handle many tasks, it is important to understand that a Virtual Assistant is not a magician, miracle worker, or business savior. Some business tasks that can be supported by Virtual Assistants that directly increase cash flow are follow up communication, email marketing, researching speaking opportunities, creating lead magnets, etc, but it is not their responsibility to strategize and grow your business.

Now, looking at the flip side, you can set yourself, and your VA, up for frustration and failure when you seek a Virtual Assistant for the wrong reasons and at a bad time. Nobody has time for that! So, when is the wrong time to hire a VA?

the worst three times to hire a Virtual Executive assistant

You are in survival mode

If you are in the earlier stages and still trying to get established, you are not quite ready for help. Your business does not have consistent or monthly revenue growth yet. You may feel like you are drowning and need help, but you don’t need a VA just yet. This is an opportunity to leverage your resources to get to know your ideal client deeply, define your brand strategy, plan, make connections, and find business mentors.

You are in chaos mode

Astronauts can see your “to-do” list from space and you aren’t sure what you want to delegate or what you should focus on today. This is a sign your business is growing with way too much to handle that you can’t even delegate. You need to take a step back before you can speed up.

You can’t even explain what you need help with from your Virtual Assistant

You have such a long list of tasks and projects that need to get done but it’s information overload for your Virtual Assistant. You will need to categorize and prioritize your daily operations FIRST and select just a few tasks that you most urgently need to get off your plate. By narrowing down your list, you are making delegating less overwhelming for you and setting your Virtual Assistant up for success.

The good news is that by stepping back and doing some pre-work in order to prepare for delegation to a Virtual Assistant, you will set your business up for long-term success. Delegating is the key to building a sustainable business that aligns with your values and income goals, so you can continuously scale.

Being busy can feel an awful lot like success, but not if your business is hurting the experience you give your clients, your team members, and even yourself as the CEO.

If you are ready to dive deeper into how delegating is the foundation for growing and scaling your business, contact us today for a free consultation!


What kind of tasks can a virtual assistant handle?

Virtual assistants can handle a wide range of tasks, including administrative tasks such as scheduling, email management, data entry, and customer service. They can also handle more specialized tasks such as social media management, content creation, and web design. The key is to find a virtual assistant with the right skills and experience to handle the specific tasks you need help with.

How much does it cost to hire a virtual assistant?

The cost of hiring a virtual assistant can vary depending on the scope of work, the level of experience, and the location of the virtual assistant. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from $500 to $2,000 per month, and it's also a common to hire them on hourly basis. It's important to set a budget and compare costs before hiring a virtual assistant.


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