3 Practices to Create Cohesion With Your Remote Team

Virtual assistant on a video call with her remote team

Now that working remotely has become very common, we have to be cognizant of the different dynamics of a remote team. We’ve heard the saying that communication is key, and we cannot emphasize that enough—especially when working remotely. 


Let’s review three other practices to incorporate into your team to create cohesion. 

Weekly Team Meetings 

No matter where you are in your business, weekly team meetings are key. Even if your team is only three people or 20+, meeting weekly keeps communication lines open. Letting your team know there is a designated time to go over projects and bring up questions, concerns, or areas of help needed keeps everyone on the same page and alleviates fragmented or one-off conversations.

1:1 Meetings 

It isn’t just large group team meetings that are important, but also one on one meetings with individual team members. Whether monthly or bi-monthly one-on-one meetings strengthen your relationships with your team members and give them a safe space to share, and ask questions that they typically may not want to address in a larger setting. Your team will also feel valued that you take the time to meet with them individually and show them you care. During one-on-one meetings, you’ll also have the time to check in on tasks you’ve delegated. This way, you have a set check-in to find out how things are going and to adjust any delegation as needed as your business grows and changes.

Meet Via Video 

Many businesses have already converted to Zoom or similar video communication tools. Many meetings can be done via video conference, whether they’re big or small. Working remotely, you can lose the feel of a personal connection and team members can feel isolated. Video meetings allow you to hear the person’s voice and read their body language. This is so helpful, especially when you are having important or difficult conversations. Video meetings also allow you to interpret and understand each individual, which can help determine and understand each other’s tone. It can be much harder to interpret tone on a phone call or via email. More video communication can help you read between the lines. 

By adding these three simple practices into your business, you’ll notice a more cohesive team, a team that understands each other and is open to helping one another more. You’ll create the same bonds that are often found in more “traditional” work settings. You’ll find that as more team members feel heard and valued, the more likely you’ll see longevity in your team. And, isn’t having a happy team the best part of it all? 


How can I ensure efficient communication and collaboration within a remote team?

Effective communication and collaboration within a remote team can be achieved by using various tools such as video conferencing, instant messaging, and project management software. It's also important to establish clear expectations and guidelines for communication, such as designated times for virtual meetings and response times for messages.

How can I maintain productivity while working remotely?

Maintaining productivity while working remotely requires discipline and self-motivation. Some strategies include setting clear goals, creating a dedicated work space, and maintaining a consistent schedule. It's also important to set boundaries between work and personal time and taking breaks regularly.

How can I ensure the security of sensitive information when working remotely?

Ensuring the security of sensitive information when working remotely requires implementing various security measures such as using secure remote access solutions, encrypting data, and regularly updating software and security protocols. It's also important to train employees on best practices for data security and have a plan in place for dealing with potential security breaches.

Check out our recent post, Virtual Assistant and Long Term Stability, for more tips on creating a cohesive team!

  • It is recommended that remote team members communicate regularly, at least once a week, to ensure maximum cohesion and productivity.

  • Having a cohesive remote team allows for better collaboration, clearer communication, improved morale, and greater efficiency.

  • Techniques to build trust between remote team members include setting clear expectations, providing clear communication channels, and fostering a sense of community.


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