3 Ways to Reduce Employee Turnover

Woman being handed a termination notice

Employee turnover is a part of any business, but if you prepare properly, you’ll be more likely to experience less of it. And, if turnover happens (as it is wont to do), you’ll be prepared on how to handle it. Let’s dig in. 

Build a Structured Onboarding Plan 

Creating a structured onboarding plan is going to help your employee feel prepared and confident in their new positions. A set and practiced onboarding plan allows you to quickly and efficiently get a new employee into his or her role, whether for a new position or as a replacement for an existing one. By implementing an onboarding process for employees, you can see a 58%-68% increase in your employees staying through their third year at your business. Those are huge numbers! 


Create a Backup Plan 

As we mentioned above, turnover is a part of the business. We can’t control whether an employee leaves or stays. The best way to prepare for this event is to document everything. Document processes for tasks you’ve delegated. Encourage your employees to document their daily tasks. Once an employee has settled into their position, have them document their “day in the life” of their role/tasks and turn it into you. File it away and evaluate it in six months-one year. This document will become a guidebook for the position. Whether your employee grows and evolves within the company or gets replaced, you can easily transfer tasks to someone new. 

Invest In Your Team 

A team that feels valued is more likely to stay in their position than a team that feels they are just numbers. One of the best ways to invest in your team is by providing consistent, helpful feedback. Employees want to know how they are doing. Make sure to tell them what is going well and what isn’t. Open communication is key for building an invested team. 

Company culture is also important. As an entrepreneur, you know what type of tone you want to set for your business. Make sure you are looking for candidates that you feel will fit into your company culture through the hiring process. 

Preparation is key for any entrepreneur and business owner. We never know what will happen in our lives or in an employee’s. Always have processes and plans in place to consistently keep your business moving forward.


Need help creating your onboarding process? Read our post Make Onboarding Easy: 5 Ways to Simplify Your Onboarding Process

  • Reducing employee turnover can help businesses save money, increase productivity, and foster an environment of loyalty and trust. It can also help a business maintain customer satisfaction and improve employee morale.

  • Potential employee turnover issues can be identified by conducting exit interviews with employees who are leaving, tracking absenteeism and turnover rates, and analyzing employee survey data. It is also important to pay attention to employee complaints or signs of dissatisfaction.

  • Strategies to reduce employee turnover include providing competitive salaries and benefits, creating a culture of recognition, offering professional development and growth opportunities, and providing feedback and support to employees. It is also important to foster a positive work environment, promote team building, and listen to employee feedback.


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