3 Best Ways to Organize your Home Office

Woman working from her organized home office. Laptop & camera

It’s that time of year again when we settle in to enjoy the last few weeks of summer before gearing up for fall. As the leaves begin to turn, life gets busy with back-to-school, holiday fun, and the final quarter to hit those goals. While it’s important to soak up the last moments of summer, it’s also time to get organized and prepare your home office for the fall. Here are a few things you can do right now to ease into the back half of the year:

Update Your Filing System

Every business should have some form of a filing system. It’s important to reflect on how your system is working. Is there anything you can improve? 


One of our favorite things to do to stay organized any time of the year (but especially as we enter the fourth quarter of business) is to create an “inbox.” Whether this is a digital “to-do” folder or a physical filing folder you put documents into to make sure you complete within your day, keeping yourself organized in a way that works for you is key. Make your inbox folder the items you need to complete within a 24-hour period. Keeping these items in one spot keeps you from losing track of what you need to accomplish. 

Additionally, while you’re updating your filing system, consider if you need to add any new folders. For example, do you need to be more attentive to pending items? Create a folder for them.

Clean Your Desk 

It sounds simple, but in the chaos of the year's final quarter, it can be easy to forget to clean your desk. Wipe down the keyboard and monitor, and clear the cable clutter. Organize your cable cords to keep them out of the way and neatly attached with cord clips. Toss the old clutter on your desk. Remove sticky notes and notepads. Organize and find a new space for these things that clutter up your worktop space. 

Organize Your PC 

It’s easy to forget that it’s important to organize our PCs. We are constantly creating documents and presentations and downloading and uploading various forms of data. Whether you are saving things to your desktop or into folders, take the time to go through them to clear out what isn’t needed, then archive anything that’s between six and one year old, depending on the project time length. This kind of forward-thinking helps to make your folders, and desktop more manageable while you are looking for current tasks and data. 

Important Accessories

Accessories are important to any home office space. As we transition to fall and winter, take into account weather change. Do you need a brighter light? Change the location of your desk. What will improve the functionality of your workspace? Sometimes bringing in a cheerful item can help. If you love seasons and holidays, bring in a small décor piece: fresh sunflowers, maybe even a small decorative pumpkin. Something that will brighten your day and bring a smile to your face while you settle down into your workspace each day. 


Looking for more organizational tips? Check out our recent post “Stay Organized & Promote New Business Growth.”

  • Organizing your home office can help you save time, reduce stress, and be more productive. It can also help you create a comfortable and inviting work environment that is conducive to creativity and productivity.

  • Some tips for organizing a home office include decluttering, creating a filing system, setting up an ergonomic workspace, and keeping supplies and tools organized. Additionally, it is important to create a designated work-space and limit distractions.

  • When setting up a workspace, it is important to consider ergonomics and comfort. This means having an adjustable chair, a desk that is the correct height, and proper lighting. Additionally, it is important to make sure that you have all the necessary supplies and tools you need to do your work.


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