Be Successful in Delegating Prolonged Projects

Women in office brainstorming for a project

We know there is an art to delegation; more often than not, the tasks handed off are more short-term than long-term. However, don’t hesitate to delegate those prolonged tasks. If it’s going to save you time and energy, delegate! Let’s go over two key components to ensure delegating prolonged projects will be successful.  



The most important aspect of delegating a long-term project is creating big and small deadlines. Start off by deciding when your project has to be fully completed, then fill in the gaps. For example, let’s say you are delegating a project that needs to be completed and ready for presentation in two weeks. Create milestones. Think about what kind of data you would like to see within three days, seven days, and then by day 12, two days prior to an official deadline, you want a mock-up turned in. Fit the milestones to the project. 



Don’t be afraid to set aside time to check in with your employees regarding a long-term project, even a simple 15-minute meeting to reach out halfway through the project milestones. Ask questions like, “How is everything going?” “Is there anything holding up the project?” “Is there anything you need assistance with?” This allows transparency into the project without micromanaging and lets your employee know you care while also making your expectations clear. Meeting with your employees and asking proper questions eliminates the margin for error or miscommunication. 


As you become more and more comfortable delegating projects, you’ll start noticing you can delegate tasks months in advance rather than weeks or days in advance, freeing up more time for you to work on the bigger picture of growing your business. 


Do you need more help with delegation? Read our blog 3 Tips To Be Proactive In Delegating.

  • The best way to delegate a prolonged project is to break it down into smaller pieces, assign tasks to individuals based on their skills and capabilities, and provide clear instructions and expectations for each task. Additionally, it is important to create a timeline for the project, and to check in with team members regularly to ensure progress is being made.

  • It is important to set expectations for each task, and to provide feedback to team members on their progress. Additionally, it can be helpful to set deadlines for each task and to provide incentives for completing tasks on time.

  • Setting deadlines for each task, and providing feedback to team members on their progress can help ensure that the project is completed on time. Additionally, it can be helpful to regularly check in with team members to ensure that tasks are being completed as expected.


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