4 ways to Stay Organized & Promote New Business Growth

3 women in an office meeting

“Busy” is a daily term for entrepreneurs. Your mind is constantly going, and thinking of new ideas to continuously grow your business is always in the back of your mind. Usually, these ideas pop up as you are busy handling other tasks. It’s easy to grab a sticky note to jot down your idea to come back to later. However, how many times do we lose that sticky note or forget to come back to finish brainstorming our ideas? Usually, it’s more often than not. 


How To Organize  

New ideas are what keep your business moving forward.  In order to manage all of your new ideas, you need to keep them organized to review and determine if they are the right fit at any given time. We have a few solutions, whether you prefer a traditional pen to paper or something digital. 


Special Notebook

If you enjoy physically writing down your ideas, get yourself a brainstorming notebook that you keep in a central location in your office. That way, when a new idea pops into your head, you write it in this book to come back to later.  

Digital Notebook

If you prefer the idea of having things digital or on the go and being able to access them from anywhere, OneNote can be a great option. OneNote is a digital notebook that you can divide into sections and pages. When it’s time to go back and look for a specific topic, you can easily search by keywords to find the entry you are looking for. 


There are many software options out there that can take your simple “Idea List” into something more. Programs such as Asana allow you to create a list and add tasks, controls, and actions. When the time is right, you can also take the idea/task off your list, turn it into a project, and add other teammates to start incorporating it into the idea/tasks at hand. 


Take Action 

Now that you’ve chosen the best route to organize your ideas, you need to create a system to follow through. You don’t want to keep having new ideas without exploring the potential implementation of these new ideas to grow your business and boost revenue. Decide whether you want to review your ideas weekly, monthly, or quarterly. 

Create a block on your calendar. Set aside the time to follow through with these ideas and create a plan for implementation to keep your business moving forward and fresh. 


She’s A Given can help keep you stay organized in many aspects of your business. 

Book yourself a Discovery Call today!

  • Planning ahead helps to break down complex tasks into achievable goals, set deadlines, and manage resources more effectively. It also helps to identify potential problems before they arise, reduce stress, and increase productivity.

  • By delegating tasks to the right people, you can free up time to focus on more important tasks and help to promote business growth. It also helps to improve efficiency and reduce costs, as well as reduce the risk of burnout.


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