What Should I Delegate to a Virtual Assistant?

A boss showing her assistant something on a laptop

Image from Edmond Dantès

Do you want to generate 33% more revenue?

According to Gallup, this is the reality for CEOs that are delegating the right way. They know their time is limited, and they need to trust administrative professionals to pick up certain tasks.

When your business is thriving, you’re likely beginning to see the potential for even more growth and success.

But at this point, your plate is also likely to be overflowing, and you’re probably trying to balance more than you can handle.

Quickly, you can become overwhelmed and burnt out, leaving room for error or missed opportunities.


Delegating is an opportunity

When this starts to happen, it’s time to start delegating your workload. Especially if you’re looking to continue to grow. You just can’t perform or handle every single task all by yourself. 

When this starts to happen, it’s time to start delegating your workload. Especially if you’re looking to continue to grow.

You just can’t perform or handle every single task all by yourself.

Oprah asked the right question: “Are we limiting our success by not mastering the art of delegation? It’s simply a matter of preparation meeting opportunity.”

Did we mention you could be saving a lot of time? Harvard Business Review completed a study and the results were enlightening. With the right delegation, 20% of an executive’s time can be saved.

What should I delegate to a Virtual assistant?

Delegate tasks that are time-consuming, repetitive, or outside your expertise. This allows you to focus on high-priority activities and strategic decision-making.

Prioritize tasks that others can handle efficiently and effectively, such as administrative duties, routine paperwork, or research tasks that don’t require your direct involvement.

There you have it. It’s now time to delegate.

What Does Delegating Mean to You?

There’s a certain art to delegation, and the more you can learn about it, the better off you’ll be when it comes to hiring a virtual assistant to help take things on.

You’ll want to pay close attention to the tasks in your business that generate revenue, but may also be the ones that make you roll your eyes at the thought of completing them.

Even though these tasks are absolutely necessary in order to keep things running, you don’t have to handle them alone. These are the tasks you should focus on handing off to an assistant. 

One example: You want to focus on sales and outreach to scale your business? Then, you probably want to delegate bookkeeping, email management, scheduling, or other similar tasks.

Further, social media management or marketing is also something you can delegate to an assistant if you aren’t on top of the trends or if you’re not keen on participating at all.

Depending on what it is in your business you’re tired of managing, you can delegate to a VA based on their qualifications and experience. 

How will it benefit you?

Once you begin to offload some of the tasks you feel comfortable letting go of, you open up a new world of possibilities within your business and personal life.

A great place to start is to hire through She’s A Given. We’ll assist with all of the planning on what tasks are most suitable to take care for you.

However, there are common delegating practices that will help guide your workflow. Every boss, team, company, or organization has unique needs that affect how they do things in particular, but using the following principles has proven to be successful for a number of companies.

VA Delegating Best Practices

Clearly define the task

Before giving a task to your virtual assistant, make sure you are clear and concise with what needs to be done. Provide as much detail as possible so that your virtual assistant can

Set a timeline

In order for your virtual assistant to be successful, it is important to set a timeline for completion of the task.

This will help to ensure that your virtual assistant is completing the task on time and that you are getting the results that you need.

Provide feedback

After the task has been completed, it is important to provide feedback to your virtual assistant.

This will help ensure that they are doing the best they can to meet your expectations and that they understand what is expected of them.

Communicate regularly

It is important to make sure that you are communicating regularly with your virtual assistant. This will help ensure that they are up-to-date with any changes or updates that you may have and that they are aware of any deadlines that need to be met.

Give clear instructions

Instructions should be clear and concise so that your virtual assistant knows exactly what they are expected to do.

This will help to ensure that the task is completed correctly and that your virtual assistant is not wasting time trying to figure out what needs to be done.

Offer support

Make sure that you are offering support to your virtual assistant so that they know that you are available if they need help or advice.

This will help to make sure that your virtual assistant is comfortable with the task and that they feel supported in their work.

Reward success

Make sure to reward success and provide positive feedback for a job well done. This will help to ensure that your virtual assistant continues to do their best and that they feel appreciated for their hard work.

Delegation isn’t always cut and dry, and you need a solid foundation to build your business further. We can help. Let us know how, today. 


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