3 Ways To Leverage Your Virtual Assistant To Generate Revenue

Female virtual assistant working from home

Why did you start your business? We are certain you have your personal and unique reason why.

Every business owner has their “why”: The reason or reasons they started their companies.

But one thing everyone agrees: Every business owner needs the company to be profitable.

She’s A Given has one solution: Virtual executive assistants. Here is only one reason:

Studies have shown that virtual executive assistants can save companies up to 78% of current administrative costs.

And what does reducing cost yield to? Yes, more profit for your company.

She’s A Given will now show you 3 ways to leverage your virtual assistant to generate revenue.


We recommend booking a She’s A Given Discovery Call. We’ll introduce you to all the ways virtual assistants can elevate your business immediately.

They can be your sidekick and help you achieve your goals faster.


Of course, virtual executive assistants are more than just cost-reducers and profitability enhancers.

There are so many benefits to utilizing the expertise of a VA. For example, remote workers can be more efficient.

Delegating Tasks 

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s something a lot of business owners struggle with. Any task that you give to a virtual assistant that doesn’t need your sole focus allows you to increase profit in other areas.

For example, if you want to focus on sales and outreach, consider delegating

Email Management



Social Media

Boost Productivity/Streamline 

Streamlining your business needs and operations will boost productivity by creating a daily flow that allows you and your employees to be more productive.

Your VA can streamline daily operations, from scheduling meetings, communicating with clients, and managing any organizational responsibilities.

When a business owner is tied down to operational duties, growth inevitably stagnates. Leverage your VA to complete the tasks that are your least favorite.

Your Virtual Assistant can typically complete these tasks in a quicker amount of time, allowing you to reduce overhead costs while simultaneously creating new revenue streams. 

Media and Competitor Research 

Staying on top of what’s happening in your industry is important. Have your VA put together a competitor analysis and stay on top of the strengths and weaknesses of current and potential competitors.

Utilizing your VA to manage your different media outlets creates multiple opportunities for you to explore for marketing and creates funnels for potential clients. 

Another great way for your VA to help is by leveraging podcast audiences and local publications. This approach is especially ideal for small businesses and startups.

Have your VA research podcasts and local publications that fit into your industry and send out pitches to be a guest on their shows or featured in their publications.

Show how you can add value to their audience while also promoting your business.

It’s a win-win! 

Now more than ever we are in a time where we have to be efficient and productive to have success. Many small businesses are changing their practices to focus on decreasing expenses and increasing revenue.

If you are ready to leverage a VA to make that a reality in your business, get in touch with She’s A Given today.

  • Tasks that can be delegated to a virtual assistant include email management, scheduling, bookkeeping/expenses, and social media.

  • A virtual assistant can help to increase productivity and create new revenue streams by streamlining daily operations such as scheduling meetings and communicating with clients, and by leveraging podcast audiences and local publications to promote the business.


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